Atlanta Health System’s mission is to assist businesses and organizations in reducing healthcare costs and improving job performance. We achieve this by consulting with management to develop organizational systems that support employees in managing their own health. We also train employees in health and performance technologies to give them the tools, skills and motivation to maintain their optimal level of health and performance.

Atlanta Health Systems helps employers prevent illness, injury, and turnover by empowering employees to resolve the challenge of rising healthcare costs and manage their own health.


Founded in 1981, Atlanta Health Systems has served more than 600 companies regionally and nationally. These include Fortune 500 companies as well as small to medium-sized companies who view their employees as valuable assets.

Started on what at the time seemed like a radical notion–that most illnesses were related to people’s lifestyle choices. It was believed then, as we do now, that what we eat, drink, how much we exercise, whether or not we smoke and how we manage stress are the primary determinants of whether we will become victims of Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, Adult Onset Diabetes, Arthritis, Crippling Injuries and other undesirable health conditions.

We continue to research how making healthy choices not only leads to longer life but to greater happiness and an enhanced quality of life.


Katie Brannon, President katie@atlantahealthsys.com

Gracie Jolly, Director of Operations gracie@atlantahealthsys.com

Jolevette Zito, Director of Nursing Administration jolevette@atlantahealthsys.com

Jeffrey Novotny, Data and Security Director jeff@atlantahealthsys.com

Dr. Randy Cronic, Medical Director